Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live and Fire Safety Live have partnered with an esteemed selection of business and media event partners that prioritise excellence in risk management and compliance. Thanks to the support of these health and safety partners, our events benefit from unique industry insights and reliable content to enhance our mission of elevating standards for all. 

Discover our partners below to understand who influences our health and safety events and to learn more about the businesses that we regard as being pivotal in championing excellence in the industry.

Event Partners

  • British Occupational Hygiene Society

    British Occupational Hygiene Society

     “The British Occupational Hygiene Society is delighted that What Else Events is bringing a forum for Safety, Health and Wellbeing to a Regional Audience. We know to expect a highly relevant event with

  • British Safety Council

    British Safety Council

    “British Safety Council is pleased to be supporting What Else Events and the exciting new regional Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live events, as an Event Partner. The regional format of the events provi

  • BSI


    BSI (British Standards Institution) is the business standards company that equips businesses with the necessary solutions to turn standards of best practice into habits of excellence. We work with over

  • health in construction leadership group

    health in construction leadership group

    "Treating Health like safety, together we are better’ HCLG is delighted to be partnering this and future events with people who really want to make a difference."

  • HSE


    "We are delighted to be collaborating with What Else Events Limited to help shape the agenda for the shows to reflect the needs of our duty holders, stakeholders and partners. We look forward to engag

  • HSM
    Media Partner


    HSM covers the latest news, prosecutions, case studies, regulations, standards, products, services and technology relating to OSH.

    HSM is the Lead Media Partner for the Health and Safety Event and has

  • iirsm


    “We’re delighted to be partnering with Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live next year. This will be an opportunity, after such a challenging period, to take stock, share lessons learned and showcase some

  • IOM


    "IOM are delighted to be in partnership with SHWLive. As we strive to protect and improve health through the workplace and wider environments, partnering with others who have a similar mission will su

  • iosh


    “IOSH is delighted to be supporting the SHW Live show this year as an Event partner. These shows are a great opportunity for the OSH community to come together to share ideas and best practice, and we

  • Mental Health UK
    Charity Partner

    Mental Health UK

    Mental Health UK are delighted to be partnering with SHW Live this year. It is a great opportunity to raise awareness and discuss the importance of creating psychologically safe workplaces.

  • nebosh


    “NEBOSH is delighted to be an event partner for the new Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live shows. As one of the advisory council members, I look forward to contributing to the 2022 programme and will w

  • NO FALLS Foundation

    NO FALLS Foundation

    “We’re always looking for better ways to engage with OSH professionals about work at height safety and for us, that makes Safety, Health & Wellbeing LIVE an unmissable event. Falling from height is st

  • Safety Groups UK

    Safety Groups UK

    “Safety Groups UK, the coordinating body for 70+ local Occupational Health and Safety Groups covering all of the UK are excited to see What Else Events bringing regional safety shows back to local comm

  • Safety Management
    Official Journal

    Safety Management

    “For over 50 years, Safety Management has kept its readership abreast of the changing UK and international health and safety landscape through news reports, expert commentary, in-depth features, best



    "UKATA is thrilled to be an event partner for the Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live shows. As a leading authority for the quality provision of asbestos training throughout the UK and overseas, we look


Founding Partners

  • bolle safety

    bolle safety

    "As the global safety eyewear PPE specialist, Bolle Safety is delighted to be a Founding Partner of Safety Health & Wellbeing Live which will enable us to meet again with our health and safety profess

  • Casella


    “Treating health like safety has never been more important than in these current times that we are facing. Casella are delighted to be a Founding Partner for the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Live even

  • Evac+Chair


    "As the original manufacturer and global leader in evacuation chairs, Evac+Chair are delighted to become a Founding Partner of Safety, Health & Wellbeing Live. We are committed to evolving our products

  • RRC International

    RRC International

    "RRC are delighted to be a Founding Partner for the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Live events next year and meet with learners in person again. The past year and half has really highlighted the importa



    "Unigloves is proud to be a Founding Partner for SHW Live. We look forward to meeting influencers from safety and health face to face and discussing how we can protect the hands of workers across all
